Update - Production Sprint 2.3

This week we entered the final stage of the second production sprint. The goal was to complete (roughly) all features that we aimed to implement, which could then be further iterated upon during the polishing phase. We made substantial progress, on both aesthetic and gameplay fronts.

Features we included are: UI implementation, animations, sound effects and ambient music, several particle effects and diverse environmental shaders. We also improved upon existing gameplay mechanics, which were rough around the edges.

After feedback on our previous production sprint, we realized our level needed a complete overhaul, both visually and from a gameplay standpoint. To this end, we created a more realistic environment with new lighting, atmospheric fog effects, more depth..., while trying to implement smaller routes for the player to use to cut off certain sections-> new gameplay:

Existing animations and UI elements were updated; additionally, sounds were added, and several final props and textures were added to the level.

The following two weeks are dedicated to polishing our game: linking all proper sound effects, debugging small issues, etc.

Get Night At The Zoo

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