Update - Production Sprint 1.2

This week, we finalized implementing our core gameplay mechanics, and have a playable gameloop. This encompasses fully functional payload movement, integration of multiplayer in the game, and a variety of attacks that can now be used:

As seen above, our core gameplay is up and running. Currently, players can use light and heavy attacks to "boop" players away from the cart, and eventually out of screen. Following this, a player will respawn at designated spawn points, which is set depending on the current stage. A versatile camera system was set up, which uses anchors to position itself at intermediate checkpoints. 

On a side note, we experimented with using 'Parsec', an online tool which allows players to play together on the same device, from different PC's. This  proves very convenient as people with only one controller in our team can now playtest together. Furthermore, this is a nice feature which might be used by future players for the final game.

Our core mechanics are mostly finished, with the exception of an 'evade move'. This means that next week, we will focus on secondary  mechanics, which will greatly increase the variety of gameplay possibilities, as well as the overal fun level. Works on the pickup system have already started, with a pickup manager being worked on. 

We also have a blockout finished, which can now be tested to see how gameplay is affected by the current layout. 

Several models for props and characters have been designed, and are ready for implementation, e.g. Zookeepers

What we want to focus on next week is firstly, finishing up secondary gameplay elements-> pickup system, Button Mash Event. These should require less time than our core mechanics, so we also want to implement our artist's assets in our level-> models + animations.

Get Night At The Zoo

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