Update - Production Sprint 1.3

As mentioned last week, this time around we decided to shift our focus from the core mechanics to secondary mechanics. What we have currently implemented now is a pick-up system. In short, a pick up manager spawns, if possible, pick ups at designated spawn points over a fixed period of time. These pickups have a short effect, which as of now include temporary 'immunity' to enemy attacks, a decrease in the players' boopiness level, and a damage boost, allowing a player to 'boop' other players farther away. 

Furthermore on the programming side, we devised an evade mechanic-> implemented but yet to finetuned/debugged. We playtested with these mechanics through Parsec, and already got a feel for how certain parameters could be tweaked. The player movement was too fast, as well as the payload movement speed. Both were rounded down. This felt more in place with the goal we are aiming for-> using a more skill based system where players have to carefully dodge, attack and manage their cooldowns. Lastly, the camera was placed closer for a more 'intimate' feeling of the level, which we mentioned in a previous devlog, and was mentioned on a weekly feedback session.

Previous movement speeds

New movement speeds

Previous camera position

New camera position

Graphically, the game received major updates. Several props have been added/overhauled and character models received an upgrade, after feedback last week:

We now reached the end of our first production sprint. Overall, we feel mostly on schedule. With our core mechanics and several secondary mechanics in place, we think implementing animations, adding the 'button mash event', adding shaders to increase immersion and further dressing up the scene should be the focus of our nex production sprint.

Get Night At The Zoo

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