Update - Production Sprint 2.1

This week we wanted to start implementing the models and animations, so our characters start looking and feeling as real characters, and not some moving blocks. We were also thinking about a change in level layout, a change in how the payload moves in the level, and finally having a fixed camera angle. Some major bug fixes were also in order for the previous version of the game, because some of these made the game unplayable.

We succeeded in most of these things. The payload now moves around on a given path, but only in the middle part of the game. We wanted to focus on this so our game works for this smaller part, before moving on the bigger things. The level layout also changed a bit, but will need a little more reworking because we changed the camera angle for one last time. We sat together and talked about how the camera finally should be, and agreed upon this last and final angle. The models of the characters also are implemented into the game, so now we have a clearer distinction of who is an animal and who is a zookeeper.

We failed on implementing the animations for this week. We encountered a lot of problems with these, worked for a long time trying to get these to work, and are expecting a little bit more trouble before we get this exactly right.

We implemented the "button mashing event" also. This is an event that triggers after an amount of time. The purpose of this event is that the game pauzes for a moment, and the players face off in a race to push the buttons of their controllers in the right order. The winning team will get an advantage (The advantage is still a WIP).

The characters are as good as finished, also the animations are all made for these characters.

The UI is in progress, we already have a few buttons and a bar in the theme.

The props and buildings in the level are in the progress of being textured.

For the next update we would like to have the animations implemented, as well as a final level layout, where the payload moves in between of the props, and can move to the other compartiments as well.

Get Night At The Zoo

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